Farhan Reza

Hi there, I’m Farhan Reza, the Creator of diff-ymd-package and if-follow-package πŸ‘‹

About Me:

I’m a passionate software developer dedicated for efforting in order to craft impactful solutions for the betterment of our community. My developments span over a variety of technologies, including TypeScript, JavaScript, Python, MERN stack, React, React Native, jQuery, HTML, CSS, CSS-in-JS, YAML, Webpack, Vite, Markdown, jsDoc, DevTools, and Django.

My GitHub Stats:


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My Published Packages:

diff-ymd-package: Hoping you to explore diff-ymd-package the JavaScript library providing versatile APIs to calculate date differences in various formats like (aYears bMonths cDays) or (aY bM cD). Examples include age = 20Y 2M 23D or datesDifference = 2Years 11Months 20Days. See diff-ymd-package on npm registry and GitHub package registry.

if-follow-package: Hoping you to explore if-follow-package which provides versatile APIs for managing followers and followings on GitHub. See if-follow-package on npm registry and GitHub package registry.

My Showcase Projects:

1. diff-ymd-package

Customized Card

My contribution for our community is the diff-ymd-package, a JavaScript package that empowers developers to effortlessly calculate date differences in a variety of customizable formats. From determining age to calculating specific date intervals, this package has garnered attention on both npm registry and GitHub package registry.

🌟 Why diff-ymd-package?

2. if-follow-package

Customized Card

My latest contribution for our community is the if-follow-package, a JavaScript package that empowers developers to effortlessly managing followers and followings on GitHub. From checking users who are not following you back to unfollow users who are not following you back, this package has garnered attention on both npm registry and GitHub package registry.

🌟 Why if-follow-package?

Tools and Technologies I Use:

Programming Languages:

JavaScript TypeScript Python


ReactJs React Native Expo library jQuery HTML5 CSS3 Bootstrap Tailwind CSS


NodeJS ExpressJS Django


MongoDB Mongoose

Other Tools and Technologies:

Webpack Vite Git Github Markdown YAML git bash PowerShell Chat GPT Microsoft Copilot etc.

Connect with Me:

Let’s connected and collaborating on exciting projects! Feel free to reach out for collaboration, contributions, or just a tech chat. Ask me here



If you find my works interesting or useful, hoping you to consider supporting me through sponsorship and contributions. Your supports go a long way in fueling the Open Source contributions, and future projects.



Play-With-Cube: the animation based movable and distortable cube!

See here

This page is to be updated with the relevant contents.